How cool is that so many local makers have jumped in the help with making masks for everyone! We think its awesome. At Sofs we too have focused our energy to filling the demand and here is a few things we have learned so far as we have been researching on the topic. For those of you who are curious about our masks you can find a wide selection on our ETSY boutique. As well, our mask follow the government of Canada's recommendations. Please read more about that here. WHAT KIND OF FILTER TO USEIt is very hard to speak on this subject as more research is being done all the time. From what we know thus far, it does seem that many layers are better then just the one. This article seems to be a favortie resources when looking at what kind of material to use, however I cannot speak on the accuracy of their information. HOW TO HELP ELIMINATE FOG IN GLASSES SOAPY WATER: Mainly if you need to wear the mask for a shorter period of time washing your glasses in soapy water and letting them air dry will add a layer of film that will help with fog. This tecnique will only last for half hour so you will need to repeat. USE PIPE-CLEANERS INSERTS: You can use a metal wire or pipe-cleaners to insert in the mask pocket and create a better form around your nose. We found that this combine with the other tricks mentionned here works best. WEAR GRANNY STYLE: Another way that will help is to lower your glasses all the way to the tip of your nose. HOW TO REMOVE YOUR MASK AND STORE UNTIL WASHING
How did you learn to be a business owner? From my dad, and my own experience, i opened my shop at the age of 17 Your process when you make decisions about your business. Do you think about all steps first, prepare a plan and then execute it or do you just make a move and go with your gut? What do you normally do? Gut Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? Extrovert If you could not be a business owner what would you be doing? Stand up comic If you won the lottery would you still continue to own your business or you would do something else? Quit my business and become a professional fisherman What does retirement mean to you? Are you looking forward to a time where you will retire from doing what you do? See previous answer If you had to choose your spirit animal, what would it be? A dog And your favorite fruit? Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable? About my buisness Komico is one of the first comic book store in Montreal. Founded in 1982 by comic book passionates, it has been through tough times like the fire back in 2014 that forced one of our many changes of address. In the words of Lee in August 2, 2017 for the 35th anniversary of Komico: August 1st we celebrated our 35th year in business….(so hard to believe). We were not the first shop to open, I believe we were the 3rd after Nova and Cap Quebec, but we seem to have stood the test of time, nonetheless. Nova has been closed for several years, and Cap is no longer run by the original owner, so I guess I am old man comic in this city now…. I have met so many awesome people through this business, and shared so many stories of my trials and tribulations. Had some amazing times, and some disastrous ones as well. As for the customers, obviously too many to name, but many are regarded as friends and are no longer just customers, Tons of assholes too, but they always provide the best stories! I have seen tremendous changes in the industry as you can well imagine, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss the old days, before there were so many electronic diversions. People lined up outside the shop to pick up Alpha Flight #1 or Wolverine #1, the passion people had for comics was amazing….those were days! So in the words of the Grateful Dead……What a long strange trip it’s been…. ---->>> Please visit to see what Lee's got in store! Make sure to check out his Ebay store as well. Before you read on, I wanted to mention that Catherine and I are old friends who met while we were both ski racing in our younger days. In the series of interviews on my favorite makers, I have decided to expand the connection to also interviews some of my favorite business owners as we are all part of a bigger community. How did you learn to be a business owner?
I learnt the thinking processes in school but the hands on business woman learning definitely came form dad first and then peers and mentors. Your process when you make decisions about your business. Do you think about all steps first, prepare a plan and then execute it or do you just make a move and go with your gut? What do you normally do? I’m a planner. Although I realize that perfect planning is an illusion and you should always be ready to live plan B and sometime C... Decision making process is pretty rigourous process for me. I try and make sure to ask my team what they think so we can avoid blind spots! That said my risk aversion is low so I’m not scared to risk it if my gut is telling me too! Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? Definitely an extrovert although I need my alone time. If you could not be a business owner what would you be doing? If I didn’t own my business I think I would have been in kinesiology or coaching a sport! I always admired the coach-athlete relationship. It’s actually reflects in my management style a little I think! I can be really tough on my crew but I truly believe that’s it’s because I know they can take it and we can do better as a team! And of course...we celebrate when we succeed! If you won the lottery would you still continue to own your business or you would do something else? Not sure about le lottery thing. I love the people I work with. I think I would just do things differently and more charity work. What does retirement mean to you? Are you looking forward to a time where you will retire from doing what you do? Retirement...I am looking forward to doing some travelling and having a bit more time and a less busy schedule. Sailing also! I think that by the time I’m ready to leave I will have trusted someone to take over by then and it will be important for me to step down and leave room for new ideas and leadership! If you had to choose your spirit animal, what would it be? An eagle! I dream of flying regularly! And your favorite fruit? Mango! About my buisness Composée de passionnés, de visionnaires et de professionnels dévoués à la plus haute qualité de service, notre équipe s’engage à vous offrir jour après jour les meilleures solutions en matière d’assurances et de finances. AccèsConseil, c’est plus de 150 ans d’expertise, un réseau de partenaires d’envergure donnant accès à une gamme supérieure de produits, des conseillers disponibles, réellement à l’écoute de vos besoins et prêts à vous accompagner de manière proactive dans la réussite de chacun de vos projets de vie. ---->>> Please visit to see how Catherine and her team can help you. Maybe you can find some inspiration as a wanna be business person yourself?! Pour moi je crois que Pâques est synonyme de décoration avec des lapins! Je trouve que non seulement est-ce important de se gâter avec du chocolat mais ca prends aussi des lapins partout!!!
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AuthorsMaker, owner, diy enthusiast, designer, artisan... Sofs is actively engaged in the pursuit of making it happen. Archives
November 2023