How did you learn your craft? I studied Fine Art and Illustration. I went to College of Fine Art and Design in India and have a Bachelors in Fine Art degree and I also have a Masters in Fine Arts with a specialization in communication design. Your process? Do you think about all steps first, prepare a plan and execute it, or do you just improvise? My process is varied as my subject. A lot of times it is spontaneous, instinctive. I love to draw and paint intuitively. Moods, feelings and associations play a big role in my art. I love abstracting these moods feelings and emotions. Abstracting nature comes very intuitively. I love color and a lot of times things come together very spontaneously, surprising me with the end result. I also like planning some of pieces. I sketch them out, doodling constantly. I try textures before applying them. I like to layer, explore, perfect a line, shape or form before applying them in my art. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? I would like to think of myself as an extrovert, but I love to internalize a lot, I like solitude, silence, like the quiet that comes when I stop, still and listen to my self think. If you could not be a maker what would you be doing? I would most certainly have been in literature, journalism or languages if I were not an artist. I love words, love to write. I wrote poetry, articles, stories and still continue to write to keep my love for the written word alive. If you won the lottery would you still continue to make stuff and sell it? If I were to ever win the lottery, I would never stop drawing or creating. Once a maker, always a maker. My hands, mind are always in motion. I would love to make more art. Explore more, things k out of the box, scale and blur the boundaries between median. No amount of money could ever change that. What does retirement mean to you? I hope I go into my twilight years with a brush in my hand, paint splattered fingers and continuously pushing myself to create. The best part of choosing to live my passion is that there is no expiration date. I will always be an artist, infinitely. If you had to choose your spirit animal, what would it be? my spirit animal would have to be a zebra. I guess the fact that they are black and white and beautiful has something to do with it. And your favorite fruit? My fav fruit has to be blueberries. Power packed, intense and good for you About my shop Specialising in Modern and Contemporary, Abstract Art Prints, Illustrations, Nature Art, Faces and Figurative Art, Soul Curry Art is inspired by Mid-Cenutry Modern and Scandinavian styles to create art prints for the home that speak volumes for your style and decor, Created and Designed in Montreal, Canada, each creation is thoughtfully crafted to make a unique statement in modern day home decor. ---->>> Please visit to see where style and talent live! We are so lucky to have Soul Curry make Art for the herself and us!
MEET VENI ETIAM PHOTOGRAPHYHow did you learn your craft? I learned photography by doing and by being. I haven't always been a photographer. I was actually trained as a scientist with a PhD in neurolinguistics. My parents bought me my first digital camera as a "bon voyage" gift when I moved to Europe for my Master's. I experimented a lot with composition, before learning other technical aspects of photography on my own through books and online resources. I made it a point to carry my camera with me everywhere (before smartphones existed!) and took LOTS of pictures, not only of extraordinary travel sights but also very ordinary details in my daily life - hanging laundry, views from my window, the way the light changed in my living room, what my eyes saw on the way to the supermarket, how the seasons changed. Photography became my way of storytelling and freezing time. My lens taught me to look at my surroundings differently, even in my own hometown. Your process? Do you think about all steps first, prepare a plan and execute it, or do you just improvise? There are so many steps to my process, and I do love to work with a plan and end-goal in mind. That said, there is a lot of creativity that goes into it, straight from the heart, and that part relies a lot on my own feelings, my own mood, and where the wind takes me! Let's say for example that I am going to launch a new collection of travel prints and wall art. I choose the destination, based on what is calling me (but I do listen carefully to the destinations that you ask me for, over and over again. Like Havana, you really begged for Havana, so I made it happen!). Once my travel is booked, I have an idea of the types of shots I want and the places I absolutely want to visit. But, I leave lots of room for inspiration, because it is when we are truly inspired that the real magic happens, in ourselves and in what we ultimately create for others. I take a ton of photographs when I travel; often, I photograph the same scene in a dozen different ways, because composition is really my favorite part of photography. I always make sure to look with my eyes first, and to FEEL something before I start pressing the shutter. That way, my photos capture a feeling and a mood, not just a pretty view. I also plan several hours of downtime where I go out without my camera. This helps me relax, form memories and get the feel of a place without trying to document it. The task of sorting and editing the photos is the most daunting task for me. Because I take so many variations of the same scene, I spend HOURS comparing compositions and edits. This one, or this one? Or how about this one? #shootmenow. I always have some immediate favorites (I usually know which ones are my favorites right when I take the photo, but often some favorites really surprise me!). I create folders of "yesses", "maybes" and "no's" and further divide them into "yes for the shop" or "just for social media". Once I have my contenders for the shop, I do print tests to check the composition, the color, the sharpness, especially in large sizes. I test on the different products in my line - paper, metal, acrylic, notebooks, coasters, etc. I give each photograph a title and a unique caption, both in English and French. Often, I sneak little messages or feelings in the caption, so I can remember what inspired me and hopefully also inspire you. I then write 2 blog posts about the new collection: one about the trip itself, and one about the images that will make it into the new collection. I launch the collection to my VIPs on my newsletter first, offering them a first pick of limited editions and a generous discount. Then I launch it to everyone else! Every collection therefore has a mix of planning, careful testing and a whole bunch of spontaneous inspiration! Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? Oh, most definitely an introvert. I love meaningful connections with people, but I am not the most naturally sociable person. I'm a little shy and insecure about some things, and I also just love my own space, and making time for my own thoughts and feelings to surface. If you could not be a maker what would you be doing? The funny thing is, I have always wanted to do and be SO MANY THINGS. A scientist, an artist, a wine-maker, a farmer... but my deepest dream has always been to be a writer. So, underneath it all, no matter where life leads, I think I would be writing, still and always. If you won the lottery would you still continue to make stuff and sell it? Probably, because it comes from within. It's a creative outlet, a way of seeing the world, a way of connecting with you and inspiring you. None of that would change if I won the lottery! What does retirement mean to you? It's something I've been thinking a lot about over the last two years, because my way of living seems unconventional to so many in my close circle. I feel like I'm not the type to save experiences and interests for "retirement"; if something calls to me and I feel like trying it, I try it now, without waiting. I'm not irresponsible or anything, but I am a huge dreamer. And, if I acknowledge a dream in me, I have to pursue it, without putting it on hold. If you had to choose your spirit animal, what would it be? I have always profoundly loved horses and I feel extremely connected to them. And your favorite fruit? I love strawberries (but turn into one if I eat too many!), mangoes and pears. About my shop I create wall art and home accessories out of my international travel photography. My mission is to help you create a decor that reflects who you are, where you've been and where you dream of going. Your home - big or small, owned or rented - is your sanctuary and I want it to inspire you daily. My artwork is a celebration of places, details, feelings and colors. The collection is vast and versatile, so there is something for every kind of decor and every kind of dreamer. "Veni Etiam" is a Latin phrase meaning "return again". No place is ever the same - and neither are we - and that's the beauty of returning. I infuse all my creations with my passion for color, for stories and for that special way a place call pull on our heartstrings - even if we have never been! ---->>> Please visit You will not believe your eyes. There are so many beautiful images and story tolds, it will leave you feeling elevated and nurtured. ..we are forced to stay away, why not take the time to get closer #CAVABIENALLERHere is the first of a series of interviews with some of my favorite makers. MEET COLLAGE CRAFTINGHow did you learn your craft? I studied Industrial Design and I have always loved art so it was kind of natural to mix the technology with the hand made techniques. Your process? I’m pretty structured with my process, I investigate, then after finding the concept I sketch, after finding the idea for the collection I 3D model and the I go to the process of developing the moulds and making the production. Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? I have traces of both, depending on the situation, I could feel very uncomfortable in social situations and want to go run and hide in my workshop, but I’m pretty extroverted when I’m surrounded by clients and other fellow creative minds I feel great and totally comfortable. If you could not be a maker for some reason what would you be doing? I would love to work with animals, I think I would love to work in ethical farm If you won the lottery would you still continue to make stuff and sell it? YES! Creating is a need for me, is what keeps me balanced in this sometimes crazy world. What does retirement mean to you? Are you looking forward to a time where you will retire from doing what you do? For me retirement means to be able to live wherever I want, whenever I want (to eliminate the economical pressure) I don’t think I would quit doing what I do, create is my balance so wherever I would be living when I retire I would for sure be creating. If you had to choose your animal spirit what would it be? Wolf! They are strong, they love to live free, they are loyal and they live in packs (families), they protect their pack with their own life. I feel pretty related Favourite fruit? I would say mango! I actually have a favourite mix rather than a favourite fruit, so here it goes : mango, honeydew and strawberries! About my shop: Collage is a contemporary product design boutique that creates original and unique objects, experimenting with different materials, shapes, textures and colors. We create a wide variety of hand-crafted objects, from decorative and utility accessories to jewelry, while constantly evolving to offer unique products for a design-savvy clientele. ---->>> Please visit to see this maker's amazing work! And the amazing website she and her team have created. Si vous êtes tout nouveau dans le monde du papercraft 3d, ces patrons seront surement vous plaire! attention, ils ne sont pas seulement pour les débutants, vous pourrez faire des déco génial même avec des modèles super simple.
If you are new to the world of papercraft these patterns will sure to please. Not just for begginers though! You can make very beautiful home decoration with simple models, don't you think! Imprime à la maison sur papier et vous pouvez le colorier ou prendre du carton de la couleur que vous voulez! Montrez nous les résultats. Une fois terminé attache en face d'une fenêtre! Nous sommes plus fort ensemble. Here are a few papercraft to help you and your family spend a zen moment. Participate in the mouvement, it will be ok by making this papercraft and install it in your window so that kids gign for walks can see them. There are 2 models, choose the one you want! Show us once its finished! #cavabienaller #itwillbeok This will be one to remember.
The whole world uniting to fight covid. We are on stand-by and while we are at iit, why not make your own covid-19 out of paper? A gift from me to you! Please show us your paper covid on instagram #sofsdesigns ou on our facebook page! You can use it as a display, a game, or fill it up with candies and smach it!! On va s'en souvenir de lui!! Le monde entier s'unit pour combattre le covid. Nous sommes en attente et pendant que nous y sommes, pourquoi ne pas créer votre propre covid-19 en papier? Un cadeau de pour vous. SVP montrez le nous sur instagram #sofsdesigns ou envoyez nous des images sur notre page facebook 'sofsdesigns' Vous pouvez l'utiliser comme déco, jeu, ou le remplir de bonbons et le frapper fort !! Je ne suis pas certaine de la meilleur marche à suivre, mais voici un apercu du billet écris par Véronique Allard sur Sofs sur le blogue de Signé Local! LE PLAISIR DE CRÉER, AVEC SOFS AU COEUR DE L'ENTREPRISE - DÉCORATION - FAMILLE Créer offre la possibilité pour Sophie Marcoux de faire ce qu’elle veut et d’explorer de nouvelles avenues. Grâce son entreprise Sofs, elle peut ainsi laisser libre court à son imagination en offrant des produits uniques et différents de ce que l’on a l’habitude de voir. UNE CRÉATRICE AUX INTÉRÊTS MULTIPLES Sophie est une touche-à-tout, que ce soit dans l’art ou dans la vie en général. Elle a un profond désir de créer et elle adore utiliser de multiples techniques. On peut le constater lorsqu’on visite son site web, qui se divise en trois volets principaux : Paper Planet (papier et design graphique), Fabric Sphere (tissu) et WoodLand (bois).Cette ancienne skieuse professionnelle a également étudié en psychologie et a longtemps travaillé comme gestionnaire. Un parcours bien hétéroclite, mais très utile, car grâce à ce bagage, elle a appris les bases pour gérer son entreprise! De plus, son expérience d’athlète l’a amenée à développer son côté autodidacte, étant donné qu’elle voyageait beaucoup durant l’année scolaire et devait se débrouiller à apprendre la matière par elle-même. FAIRE LE GRAND SAUT Après avoir démissionné de l’emploi de gestionnaire qu’elle occupait depuis plus de 15 ans, Sophie a commencé à se consacrer à temps plein à Sofs en 2018. Incertaine de vouloir faire le saut, c’est après une longue réflexion et une crainte de regretter de ne pas l’avoir fait qu’elle a choisi de foncer. «Même si je savais que je devais un jour trouver quelque chose qui m’apporterait plus d’épanouissement personnel, je n’avais pas la force de faire le saut», explique-t-elle. C’est lorsqu’elle obtient une promotion au travail qu’elle fait la constatation qu’elle «[s’]éloigne de plus en plus de qui [elle] est et de la vie qu’[elle] veut vivre.» Son changement de carrière a porté fruit, car bientôt à l’âge de 50 ans, Sophie a enfin trouvé ce qu’elle voulait vraiment faire de sa vie! Vous pouvez trouvez toute l'article sur le blog de Signé Local Un gros merci à Véromique Allard et signé local!
AuthorsMaker, owner, diy enthusiast, designer, artisan... Sofs is actively engaged in the pursuit of making it happen. Archives
November 2023