I feel sorry when people feel frustrated while making our 3D Papercraft kits. Lately I found that explaining the art of 3d papercrafting / Lowpoly Paper while comparing it to alpine skiing gives a pretty accurate visual.
While some of our kits are at the 'easy' level, there is still a necessary learning curve involved. Same for skiers who would take an easy hill for the first time, they would most likely feel that it was not very ‘easy’. Equally your first few 3D Papercraft kit may not seem very easy the first time around. However, if you make a second or perhaps third one, it will become a simple craft. That said we also offer many videos, pictures and explanation on our website to provide as much support as you need. Perhaps also just like skiing, some people will take to it and some won’t. We certainly did to both activities! ( as you can see in the above picture. This was me as a teen, I grew-up on the slopes!) We sure hope you will enjoy the experience but if you don’t its ok too! Best, Sofs
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AuthorsMaker, owner, diy enthusiast, designer, artisan... Sofs is actively engaged in the pursuit of making it happen. Archives
November 2023