Recently you might have seen some of the results of my experimentation with AI (artificial intelligence). I put together some new books using my AI Art. See here ! I started using AI at the end of 2022 when an craft and art platform (called Creative Fabrica) that I really like and am member of, started offering this new tool. I debated a bit at first as there are some opposing opinions about the ethics behind AI. However, after learning more about what the tool actually does and how the final art is created I found that, for myself, if I was not using 'prompts' (I will explain what that is below) that would specifically target other peoples art by name, I was able to create completely new, never been seen unique styles of Art pieces. To be able to produce good AI pieces, it took me some practice and I needed to learn how to use these new tools, just like I would with any other design tools. Part of the learning is knowing how to create prompts that will work with AI. What are prompts you may ask? Prompts are essentially the language (words or a sentence describing what art you want the AI tool to spit out for you) that is used when you are asking the AI tool to produce something you want. There are lots of work being done and tools created just for prompts alone as it is essentially the motor of AI Art since you need to know how to use words to create Art. I learn a bit more recently about how AI uses its data bank to create new images using prompts. In a very simplified way of describing it, it basically scrambles images and re-draws using the 'noise' left by the scramble. You can read more about it in the article recently posted by Make I feel I have still so much to learn and experiment with, as a maker and designer this is very exciting! For now, the next phase of this adventure, is to use the images generated to create real life DIY 3D papercraft patterns! Can you tell which is Artificial Inteligence and which is our real pattern image? Ultimately I want to see if I can use these AI generated paper art pieces to inform and inspired my next 3D papercraft pattern collection. You probably already guessed that the image on the left is AI and one the right is ours but as far as creating a cute plant creature, I am thrilled with this first result! Normally, I get inspired by what I see and experience around me combined with my imagination. When I started playing with AI, I could actually put down into words what my imagination was telling me and I created prompts telling AI what I was seeing in my head. I was able to generate really cool 3D papercraft graphics that I wanted to share hence why I published the inspiration collection books mentioned above. Now, one step further, I am actually just created my first AI 'imagined' piece in real life! To celebrate this new adventure and collaboration between 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) and 'Sofs Intelligence' (Sofs I) (hahaahha) I want to offer you my first AI inspired pattern ! If you ever end-up making it, please share your makes on insta with #Sofsinspirations Have fun!
You know the days... It actually starts right when the pumpkins get put outside! Time for the squirrels to get their fill and get big enough to last during the freezing winter months. Halloween contributes to the survival of our beloved Canadian squirrels!
To ease off our Halloween buzz, here is a fun post-craft celebration activity, free for all you little ghouls, witches and monsters! We need to keep our hands busy so we don't eat al our candies at once. Much love, Sofs I want to give you joy!!
Remember last year we offered a santa hat box? (scroll to find the free pattern!) Well this year we want to offer you this free Giant (24 inches tall) Candy Cane 3D Papercraft! It just feels right...I think we all need the bright and whimsical colors around. Enjoy! If its your first time at printing the patterns, head over to our how to pages for some support. (for starters, you just need to click the image to get the pdf pattern or click here!) Much love, Sofs ENGLISH: It is obvious that I am not the most active blogger! But that won't let me stop me from trying..For this holiday season 2020 I give you a little gift and hopefuly the gesture will bring joy as we wrap up a cray cray year!! (click on image to open the pdf pattern.) Have fun, keep playing...Thank you so much for your support. FRENCH: Il est évident que je ne suis pas la blogueuse la plus active! Mais cela ne me permettra pas de m'empêcher d'essayer ... Pour cette saison des vacances 2020, je vous donne un petit cadeau et j'espère que le geste apportera de la joie alors que nous clôturons une année bananas !! (cliquez sur l'image pour ouvrir le modèle pdf.) Amusez-vous bien, continuez à jouer ... Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien. If you are new to the wonderful world of papercrafting, I made a little video! Si vous êtes tout nouveau dans le monde du papercraft 3d, ces patrons seront surement vous plaire! attention, ils ne sont pas seulement pour les débutants, vous pourrez faire des déco génial même avec des modèles super simple.
If you are new to the world of papercraft these patterns will sure to please. Not just for begginers though! You can make very beautiful home decoration with simple models, don't you think! ![]() Imprime à la maison sur papier et vous pouvez le colorier ou prendre du carton de la couleur que vous voulez! Montrez nous les résultats. Une fois terminé attache en face d'une fenêtre! Nous sommes plus fort ensemble. Here are a few papercraft to help you and your family spend a zen moment. Participate in the mouvement, it will be ok by making this papercraft and install it in your window so that kids gign for walks can see them. There are 2 models, choose the one you want! Show us once its finished! #cavabienaller #itwillbeok This will be one to remember.
The whole world uniting to fight covid. We are on stand-by and while we are at iit, why not make your own covid-19 out of paper? A gift from me to you! Please show us your paper covid on instagram #sofsdesigns ou on our facebook page! You can use it as a display, a game, or fill it up with candies and smach it!! On va s'en souvenir de lui!! Le monde entier s'unit pour combattre le covid. Nous sommes en attente et pendant que nous y sommes, pourquoi ne pas créer votre propre covid-19 en papier? Un cadeau de pour vous. SVP montrez le nous sur instagram #sofsdesigns ou envoyez nous des images sur notre page facebook 'sofsdesigns' Vous pouvez l'utiliser comme déco, jeu, ou le remplir de bonbons et le frapper fort !! I never really had the chance to show you this amazing cool project I did with some even more amazing people. We found each other on FIVERR .
I have to say that before I made this satelite I didn't really know anything about this topic. Now, I seem to know even less but I did learn a little! Check it out : Appolo project arthur |
AuthorsMaker, owner, diy enthusiast, designer, artisan... Sofs is actively engaged in the pursuit of making it happen. Archives
November 2023